LegalXML Court Filing Signatures SC

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The Signatures Subcommittee of the OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee was established by the TC to

* Provide technical guidance as needed to implement the various signature profiles with regard matters such as security, efficiency, interoperability and service-oriented architectures.

* Address issues in applying any of the adopted signature profiles.

* Identify, collect and help resolve any discovered signature interoperability issues, including proposing, vetting or reviewing any additionally submitted or needed signature profiles, as appropriate.

* Identify providers of signature technologies that can service ECF 3.x profiles in a SOA architecture and provide information about each.


The Subcommittee was closed by OASIS TC Administration on 06 March 2020 and is no longer active.
Archives of its work remain publicly accessible and are linked from this page. OASIS appreciates the efforts of all those who participated in this SC.

Providing Feedback: OASIS welcomes feedback on its technical activities from potential users, developers, and others to better assure the interoperability and quality of OASIS work.